Rejuvenate Collection X Allsfär image
Rejuvenate Collection X Allsfär image
Rejuvenate Collection X Allsfär image
Rejuvenate Collection X Allsfär image
Rejuvenate Collection X Allsfär image
Rejuvenate Collection X Allsfär image
Rejuvenate Collection X Allsfär image
Rejuvenate Collection X Allsfär image

Rejuvenate Collection X Allsfär


MF Design Studio collaborated with AllSfär to create an acoustic collection that inspires. Through vibrant colours and dynamic patterns, we look to bring character, fun and energy to any space. Three colour collections; rejuvenate being our first, it is designed to complement warm, contemporary interiors while bringing in sophisticated and vibrant colours. And with three pattern ranges; Rhythmic, linear and sculpted, there are plenty of combinations to explore.